Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Blinders. (or) Your habit is fine, until it interferes with your job.

I don't know what to feel here. I don't even know if I should say anything. To anyone. Maybe to one person. Maybe even that would be getting too close. I seem to no longer work with any exs now, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I should be happy, and that's precisely the reason I'm not. I never wanted to face this scenario because I knew I would be almost forced to feel joy from the misfortune of another. I can't do it. I feel bad, and I know there's nothing I could do to help. Nothing I want to do to help. No way I could help her. Not unless she never knew about it. The most rewarding charity work is done anonymously. I should just not say anything. Things are gonna get worse before they get better. For all of us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aparently someone was mad at me or confused that i helped her out. i mean, a girls gotta work, right?

no idea. that place is so fucked up.

6:46 AM  
Blogger josh said...

I think it's fucked up she got fired, and I think it's great you're helping her out. I was worried she'd be sitting in her room slowly killing herself. Or a little more quickly than before. Don't tell anyone I said that.

You're almost too good, lady.

6:59 AM  

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