Saturday, April 16, 2005

Andrea makes me wish I was a lesbian.

I feel like I’m doing irreparable damage to my body right now. I’ve been sick all week, George came by work, and talking over loud music resulted in a very sore throat, adding a new element of pain to my cough. Is this what they call Vegas Throat? We went out for food after work, and now he’s in a hotel room, packing for an 8am flight. I should be asleep, creating a healing environment, but it’s not even 5am yet.
I looked down my throat in the mirror. I wanted to check for damage. It suddenly came to me that when people ask what the video image of the inside of my colon looks like when I get a colonoscopy, I’ll just tell them to look down their throat. It’s the same wet, fleshy, curvy kinda tube. Just at the other end.
I keep thinking that I just won’t talk ‘til monday when I have to work next, but there are people I really need to talk to tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will be the good friend. The good cousin. Good “uncle.” Nephew. Grandson. It will feel good, except for my throat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Barkmarket reference.

10:20 AM  

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